Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Three Issues that Can Cause Your Big Rig Insurance to Soar

Big rigs can have big costs associated with them. By sheer virtue of the size of commercial trucks, and the damage they can inflict during a crash, an insurance policy can carry a hefty price tag. Although maintaining coverage on your vehicle can be costly, not having insurance or not carrying adequate insurance, poses a bigger financial burden.

As an owner/operator, it pays to drive smart and research ways to keep your premium at a minimum. While you’re on the lookout for discounts, keep in mind the following three issues that can drive up your insurance rates:

High-tailing it down the highway. Research shows that speeding is one of the most common causes of truck accidents. Pushing the pedal to the metal is dangerous in a normal sized car, but speeding in a vehicle that exceeds 50,000 pounds can have deadly results. As an owner/operator, you’re aware that your commercial truck takes a longer time to brake, and if you lose control while you’re flooring it, you can damage not only other vehicles and property, but other drivers.

Falling asleep at the wheel. Driver fatigue is a real issue that affects many truckers. Because drivers earn their livelihood on the road and make more money the more routes they take, they compromise their safety (and the well-being of others) when they get sleepy on the job. Experts say that driving while exhausted can be just as dangerous as being drunk at the wheel.

Wandering eyes. As an owner/operator, you understand that although you get to see the beautiful countryside during your routes, driving a big rig is a lonely life. It’s easy for your mind (and your eyes) to wander as you search for ways to break the monotony that comes from hours and hours behind the wheel. Chatting on CB radios, sneaking a peak at your mini-TV and talking on cell phones can easily distract you and cause an accident.

One misstep on the road can sink you financially, or at the very least earn you a ticket for a traffic violation. Driving the speed limit, getting plenty of rest and keeping your mind sharp while behind the wheel can help keep your insurance premiums low.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Commercial Truck Driver Health Risks and the Need for Proper Insurance

Commercial truck drivers are some of the hardest workers in our nation, often operating their big rigs in all weather conditions and working long hours as they criss-cross the country. Because of the nature of their industry, studies show that truckers are at a greater risk than the average American for a host of health problems.

A recent Huffington Post article reports that sleep apnea may affect as many as 40 percent of truck drivers. Patients who suffer from this serious sleeping disorder (in which breathing stops and starts during resting) say they feel exhausted even after a full night's sleep. For the owner/operator of a big rig who makes a living behind the wheel, this condition has the potential to be deadly, as it increases daytime drowsiness.

Another common health complaint that commercial truck drivers face is back injuries and sprains, due to the weight of the cargo they load and unload. Obesity also plagues these truckers, as they munch on fast food and snacks during their travels, sit for long stretches at a time and have little time for exercise and healthy meal planning.

It’s difficult enough to maneuver a wide load down the highway when you’re in the best of health. Being in poor health compromises your ability to function optimally. As an owner/operator, it pays to invest in a good insurance policy that will protect you and the cargo you’re carrying in the unfortunate event of an accident. Some coverage types to consider include:

Physical damage coverage. If your truck is involved in a crash, physical damage coverage can cover the cost of repairing it or replacing it.

Cargo insurance. This type of insurance provides coverage for loss or damage to the load you’re hauling. That can take a load off your mind if something happens to your precious cargo.

Liability insurance. This coverage pays for damages that you inflict on other drivers and their property.

The life of a big rig driver certainly isn’t glamorous, and increasing health concerns add an element of risk, not only to the commercial truck driver, but to other vehicles on the road. You may not be able to prevent particular threats to your health, but you have total control over certain threats to your financial health. Speak to an insurance agent today to determine which policy works best for your budget.